Egas Port
Seal lions at Egas Port - Santiago Island

Egas Port

Also known as James Bay, Egas Port is home to the curious Galapagos hawks and quick-footed Galapagos lava lizards. The trail leads to a coastline with gorgeous tide pools and grottos full of fauna. Here the Galapagos fur sea lions bathe in the sun. This is also a great snorkeling site.

Highlights: Fur sea lions, Galapagos sea lions, tidal pools and “grottos”, Galapagos hawk, oyster catchers, marine iguanas, finches; snorkeling: reef sharks, turtles, rays, nice underwater formations.
Possible Activities: Snorkeling, hiking (1.2 miles/2 km)
Type of Landing: Wet landing
Difficulty: Easy / moderate
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